The ART of Business Relationships

Over my 30+ years in the working world, I’ve encountered quite a few leaders. Some I’ve worked for and others I’ve watched from distances ranging from close to far. I also realize that I am that leader seen through the eyes of others. I have to say that I have been blessed – most of the leaders I’ve had in my career have been extraordinary in at least one dimension of leadership regardless of how you define it. Great people. People who electrify a room when they walk in. Company presidents who you know will succeed. Bosses to whom you can reveal your mistakes.

Good leaders have one thing in common that goes beyond vision and brains: they have the ability to engage with people. Some people just have “it”. That natural charisma and charm that allows them to lead their fellow kindergarten schoolmates around the playground. The rest of us have a dose of that, but long to have more. I have watched leaders that get their team truly engaged and have witnessed three things: people have a natural affinity for them, they earn the respect of others, and they eventually gain the trust of those around them. Affinity, Respect, and Trust. The ART of business relationships. I firmly believe we get some of that ability in ART naturally, but I know from experience that you can build on those kernels of ability to become a better leader.

I’m starting this blog as a way to get my thoughts about the ART down on digital paper. I have a lot to say, but I promise to give it to you in small doses. Please comment if you agree, disagree, or just want to weigh in. I will bounce around from Affinity to Respect to Trust with my thoughts and observations. I hope you come along for the ride!

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